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Japanese dating apps that you can find a hookup

 Japanese dating apps that you can find a hookup

First of all, we remark this, how to avoid bad dating apps, how to avoid scammers because there are many scammers (gyosha) for casual dating apps in Japan and unless you choose the right ones, you will get nothing, but loose a lot of time and money.

That is why it is very important to avoid bad casual dating apps and select good ones. Here are some tips on how to avoid the bad casual dating apps and select the good ones.

1. Avoid FREE casual dating apps. On FREE casual dating apps, there are many scammers and the security is not on function. In this world nothing is FREE, so avoid any free casual dating apps.

2. Avoid any casual dating apps that emphasize so much on sexual phrases such as looking for mature relationship, secret relationship, unforgettable memory and so on. Avoid those casual dating apps.

3. Try to use casual dating apps that are well known, run by well known company, not use dating site that do not display any name of organizations.

4. Try to avoid dating app that do not show any active member on the site.
Possibility is number of member are very small that you can not find any dates.

So here are three well known, many active member and good reputation for casual dating sites in Japan

Happy Mail

PC Max       

Wakuwaku mail

Happy Mail

With number of member are over 20 millions, the largest member of casual dating app in Japan. You can browse girls profile with FREE and the function for usage is very simple and clear.

With functions of diary, humble and bulletin board, you can find your favorite girls so easily

Wakuwaku Mail

With SNS style dating app, by not using photos on the profile, you can be active and find girls easily.

With daily PV 10 millions, this app has many active member for dating.

The function of humble and diary are very easy to use and you can take a time to approach the girls and by reading her diary you will know what kind of girl she is.

Try to register for both Happy mail and Wakuwaku mail at least because you do not know how and when you will find girls, thus try to register these two apps as browsing profiles for both app are FREE

PC Max

With more than 13 million member, PC max is very easy to use and very easy to meet a girl

App on PC Max has only Iphone, not Android, so you should login from PC


Watch out Scammers (gyosha), Sakura or individuals. And how to find them

1. Skip and do not react on any message from Girls ( these are from scammers )

2. avoid too pretty, beautiful girls

3.avoid any girls who talk about money

4.avoid any individuals who seek men for exchange for money

No matter how she is pretty, beautiful with those conditions, block them

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