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Best sugar daddy dating sites in Japan

Meet Japanese sugar baby in Tokyo or any other cities in Japan

In these days, more and more young Japanese women turn to sugar baby dating for dining and dating.

Take a look at this article.

So if you want to meet a Japanese girl with a certain level of appearance for dating or intimate relationship, sugar daddy sites are surely best choice for your desire.

Brief comparison on hookup sites and sugar daddy dating site in Japan

1. On hookup dating apps in Japan, there are many profiles without photos. On nice looking girls photos are mostly submitted by Gyosha ( scammer )

On the contrary, photos are shown at all sugar daddy dating site

2. age range at users of hookup sites are 18~40 years old men with relatively medium income while users at sugar daddy dating sites are 30~50 years old with relatively higher status with high income

3. Women who register at Japanese hookup dating apps are average looking while women who register at sugar daddy dating apps in Japan are nicer looking appearance.

4. There are some possibility that woman will not show up at the dating spot on Japanese hookup apps while woman will surely show up at the dating spot on sugar daddy dating sites.

5. You can chat with a woman on video in advance at sugar daddy dating site while there will be no such a service for hookup apps

So if you want to meet a young, nice looking Japanese without no show up and know whom you will meet by seeing her photos or by video chat in advance, sugar daddy dating sites are surely best choice for dating.

Here we list up four major sugar daddy-sugar baby sites in Japan.

Love Ann

love ann is a relatively new sugar daddy dating site in Japan, leasing on 2019. However by introducing online dating and video profile for the first time on Japanese sugar daddy dating market, Love ann is rapidly growing Japanese sugar daddy dating site.

Member of women : early 20s


Personal ID check : by submitting ID with photo

Video chat

Online video chat is available to check how she looks and how chemistry works between you and her

How it works three steps to go for dating

Send “like”

exchange message


Membership fee

1. Free membership

You can browse women’s profile and send “like” to her, but not send a message

2. Gold member

5,000 Yen / month for 1 month

4,000 Yen / month for 3 months

3,233 Yen / month for 12 months

3. Plutinum member

14,800 Yen / month for 1 month

11,600 Yen / month for 3 months

9,900 Yen / month for 12 months

So the best way to meet a Japanese girl for sugar dating at Love is,

1. first register the site with free

2. Browse the women profile

3. If you find a girl you like, send her “like”

4. If you receive a like from her, then become member by paying fee

Market prices on Love activities

Market prices

1. first meeting 5,000~10,000 Yen

2. dating/lunch or dinner 5,000~10,000 Yen

3. dating (with intimate relationship ) 20,000~50,000 Yen

if you want a long term relationship

4. Monthly payment (without intimate relationship ) 50,000 ~ 150,000 Yen

5. Monthly payment (with intimate relationship ) 100,000 ~ 500,000 Yen 


This sugar daddy dating site is well known among foreigners and do not spend much time to explain what this site all about. Here are brief explanation on this app.

How it works three steps to go for dating

browse women profile

exchange message


Member of women : early 20s

student 31%

company employee 26&

part timer 12%

model 6%

entertainment 3%



Age range for women member

18~29 years old 79%

30~39 years old 16%

40~49 years old 4%

Membership fee

1. Free membership

You can browse women’s profile and send “like” to her, but not send a message

2. Fee member

5,980 Yen / month for 1 month

4,980 Yen / month for 3 months
3,980 Yen / month for 6 months

Free membership

browse profile

see profile

see bulletin board

send “like”

Market prices on Love activities

Market prices

1. first meeting 5,000~10,000 Yen

2. Taxi 10,000 Yen

3. lunch or dinner 10,000~25,000 Yen

4. dating 20,000~30,000 Yen

5. shopping 20,000 Yen

6 travel 100,000~150,000 Yen

if you want a long term relationship

7. Monthly payment 150,000 Yen ~


What Paters specialized in is its category for dating purpose, such as golf dating, travel dating, gym dating and so on. Here are brief explanation on this app.

How it works three steps to go for dating

send “ like “

exchange message


its category for dating purpose

1. play golf

2. take a trip

3. go to bar

4. go to gym

and others

One of the popular specific dating is

playing a golf with a sugar baby.

In fact there are many golf sugar baby

Age ratio for women member

18~24 years old more than 2/3 women member

2. pay membership

10,800 Yen / month for 1 month

26,400 Yen / month for 3 months

46,800 Yen / month for 6 months

76,800 Yen / month for 12 months

Market payment on Love activities

Market prices

1. first meeting 5,000~10,000 Yen

2. Taxi 10,000 Yen

2. lunch or dinner 10,000~20,000 Yen

3. dating 10,000~30,000 Yen

4. dating intimate relationship 20,000~30,000 Yen

if you want a long term relationship

5. Monthly payment no intimate relationship 30,000 ~150,000 Yen

6. Monthly payment intimate relationship 30,000 ~200,000 Yen

Universe club

This well known sugar daddy site has a English written page that shows everything, thus do not need to explain much.

It has offices all over main cities in Japan, and there are many member for both men and women.

For the fee and the location of office, please see this page

women member

black super beauty ( model,

platinum quite nice looking

gold so so nice looking

standard average looking

女性会員  7500

high level of women member

Market payment on Universe club

Market prices

1. first meeting 5,000~30,000 Yen

2. lunch or dinner 10,000~50,000 Yen

3. dating 10,000~50,000 Yen

4. dating intimate relationship 30,000~100,000 Yen

wakuwaku mail

this is a hookup site basically, however, there are many sugar daddy messages on the bulletin board, so you can find many japanese sugar baby on this hookup app

member : more than 9 million

daily new registration per day 1600 new member

more than 20,000 message on bulletin board

daily page view per day 10 million

There are many sugar baby message on the bullitin board

Many sugar babies leave message “looking for sugar daddy “ on pure bulletin board

Many sugar babies leave message “looking for sugar daddy “ on pure bulletin board

sugar babies at Wakuwaku mail

20 years old / student

26 years old / esthecian

23 years old office worker

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